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Master Pro

Master Pro upgrade kits are not suitable for the following applications:
- Motor torque measurement (POW)
- Serial communication (RS232, ControlPro interface, Old modems)
- Communication between ControlPro and Master Pro (if multiple units are in the crane, all units need to be changed)

60529829 UPGRADE KIT


60453761 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Compulab modem, Control Voltage: 48VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes currently without an Master Pro, for Europe and US markets


60454082 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Harman modem, Control Voltage: 48VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes currently without an Master Pro, for China and Brazil markets


60453711 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro in a cubicle without modem, no preset parameters. Kit is for CXT cranes equipped with two trolleys and cases where the crane already has a modem and other trolley has Master Pro. This package is designed to add Master Pro for the other trolley


69754566 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro 改装套件,用于替代 ControlPro。 专为单起重葫芦而设计,无 POW 测量,无调制解调器,无参数。 支持所有控制电压,随附说明。


69811842 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro retrofit kit to replace ControlPro. Designed for multi-hoisting, no POW measurement, no modem, no parameters. NOTE: When one ControlPro in a multi-hoisting system is replaced by a Master Pro, ALL ControlPro must be replaced!


64607996 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro condition monitoring unit replacement kit to replace CU1. Supports all control voltages, comes with owner's manual. No modem included. Not parametrized, must be installed by a certified technician.


60493999 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro retrofit kit to replace ControlPro. Designed for single hoists, no POW measurement, no modem. Supports all control voltages, comes with instructions.


66334589 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro retrofit kit to replace ControlPro. Designed for multi-hoisting, no POW measurement, no modem. NOTE: When one ControlPro in a multi-hoisting system is replaced by a Master Pro, ALL ControlPro must be replaced!


60529828 UPGRADE KIT
Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Compulab modem, Control Voltage: 115VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes currently without an Master Pro, for Europe and US markets
