LED 灯和电气柜
更换旧灯或加装新 LED 灯可以提高安全性并降低耗电量。LED 灯可减少高达 60% 的能耗。LED 上的透镜可聚焦光线,最大限度地减少操作员抬头看负载时的眩目感。LED 灯可以瞬间开启和关闭,不存在热冲击和破裂风险
- 兼容所有类型和品牌的起重设备,但机械固定方式可能有所不同
- 两种灯 - 散射(60 度)和远射(30 度)
- 在选择照明套件时,要确定起重机是单梁还是双梁
- 如果是单梁,为悬杆或能量链电源选择合适的套件
- 如果是双梁,使用 B 测量值作为参数
- 除了照明套件外,还需要订购合适的电箱。电箱有单独的 KCID。电箱套件包括变压器、固定件、10 米电缆、保险丝和脉冲继电器。

LED light retrofit, Wide spread, for Single girder crane with Energy chain. US only. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts.

LED light retrofit, Wide spread, for Double girder crane with B-Measure ≤280mm. US only. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts.

LED light retrofit, Wide spread, for Single girder crane with Energy chain. EU/Global, not US. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts

LED light retrofit, Wide spread, for Single girder crane with Festoon. EU/Global, not US. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts.

LED light retrofit, Wide spread, for Double girder crane with B-Measure ≤280mm. EU/Global, not US. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts

LED light retrofit, Wide spread, for Single girder crane with Festoon. US only. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts

LED light retrofit, Deep spread, for Single girder crane with Festoon. EU/Global, not US. Includes 10m installation cable and mounting parts.