Master Pro
运行监测器用作起重葫芦的过载保护装置,跟踪不同警报和运行统计数据等数据。运行监测器与兼容的网关相结合,可实现 TRUCONNECT 远程监控服务和实时访问数据。您可以通过打开设备的 TRUCONNECT 选项卡访问“服务”下的数据。
- 这是一个替换套件,旨在替换旧运行监测器(ControlPro 或 CU1),因此仅与配备此技术的起重机兼容
- Master Pro 升级套件不适用于以下应用:
- 电机扭矩测量 (POW)
- 串行通信(RS232、ControlPro 接口、旧调制解调器)
- ControlPro 和 Master Pro 之间的通信(如果起重机中有多个装置,则需要更换所有装置)
- 可以单独交付或与调制解调器和机柜一起交付
- 交付时可预先设置参数或不设置参数

Master Pro in a cubicle without modem, no preset parameters. Kit is for CXT cranes equipped with two trolleys and cases where the crane already has a modem and other trolley has Master Pro. This package is designed to add Master Pro for the other trolley

Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Harman modem, Control Voltage: 48VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes currently without an Master Pro, for China and Brazil markets

Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Harman modem, Control Voltage: 115VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes without an Master Pro, for China and Brazil markets

Master Pro retrofit kit to replace ControlPro. Parameterized. Designed for multi-hoisting, no POW measurement, no modem. NOTE: When one ControlPro in a multi-hoisting system is replaced by a Master Pro, ALL ControlPro must be replaced!

Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Compulab modem, Control Voltage: 115VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes currently without an Master Pro, for Europe and US markets

Master Pro 改装套件,用于替代 ControlPro。 专用于多起升,无 POW 测量,无调制解调器,无参数。 注意: 当多起升系统中的一个 ControlPro 更换为 Master Pro 时,必须更换所有 ControlPro!

Master Pro retrofit kit to replace ControlPro. Parameterized. Designed for single hoists, no POW measurement, no modem. Supports all control voltages, comes with instructions.

Master Pro delivered in a cubicle with a Compulab modem, Control Voltage: 48VAC, no preset parameters. This Master Pro and modem kit is intended for CXT cranes currently without an Master Pro, for Europe and US markets