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Dear customers, currently the prices and availability to our backend is disturbed. We are working on getting the issue fixed as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience


60009780 联轴器
Nominal Diameter: 42 mm, Coupling half


52000839 联轴器
Secondary Axle Diameter: 44.5 mm, Drive Axle Diameters: 44.5 mm, Nominal Torque: 97.6 Nm


52321002 联轴器
辅助轴直径: 56.52 mm,驱动轴直径: 56.52 mm,标称扭矩: 46.7 Nm,表面处理: 无表面处理


52320991 联轴器
Secondary Axle Diameter: 30.75 mm, Drive Axle Diameters: 30.75 mm, Nominal Torque: 20.9 Nm, Surface Treatment: No surface treatment


52306652 联轴器
Set includes coupling, retaining rings and O-rings, Drive Axle Diameter: 40 mm, Nominal Torque: 110 Nm, Material: Steel


60009778 联轴器


52000028 联轴器
辅助轴直径: 56.52 mm,驱动轴直径: 56.52 mm,标称扭矩: 46.7 Nm,表面处理: 无表面处理


52000030 联轴器
Secondary Axle Diameter: 44.5 mm, Drive Axle Diameters: 44.5 mm, Nominal Torque: 97.6 Nm


52293596 联轴器
Set includes coupling, retaining rings and O-rings, Drive Axle Diameter: 40 mm, Nominal Torque: 110 Nm, Material: Steel


50000598 联轴器
Secondary Axle Diameter: 30.75 mm, Drive Axle Diameters: 30.75 mm, Nominal Torque: 20.9 Nm, Surface Treatment: No surface treatment
