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REMOC 发射器零部件

产品(31 - 34/34)
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53068355 可锁柜
310 x 380 x 210 mm。在起重机维修期间用于安全存放无线电发射器的可锁柜。也可用于存放充电器和备用电池。


52326111 适配器
Power supply for RemoC charger. Plugs included: Type C, Type G, Type A, Type I


52326112 适配器
Power supply for RemoC charger. Plugs included: Type C, Type G, Type A, Type I


BT06K 电池
Nominal Voltage: 4.8V, Capacity: 0.6Ah, Type: Ni-Mh, Color: Black, Other Specialities: ATEX


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