Cable Type: Pendant, Type: Power, Installation Type: Flexible, Number of Cores x Cross Section: 20x1.5 mm², Cable Material: PVC, Cable Certificate: IEC, Outer Diameter: 27x15.5 mm, Round cable with wires
Trolley Limit Switch, 1.45 m, 1 Step-2 Step
DC 10 V 8
U255M14FDCD102D41.5N1, For C10 Hoists
Voir la page produit pour la disponibilité
Complete pendant: Red housing with 2 buttons, 2-step push buttons, 1-motion, contact blocks, E-STOP with contact, DIN-symbols
Emergency button for 4-button pendants
For C10 Hoists, 2 fall
003, Control Voltage: 42-240V, Nominal Power: 0.75kVa, Nominal Current: 2.4A
Set of 10 pieces, Sticker Text: "125 kg", Crochet/hook
1 step, TDV and CHM /MH
2 steps, XN and CHM /MH
For C-series C10 Hoists, 16 m, 7.4x21.2, Includes fixing set
2HS+2TS+ES, Cable Length: 2.5 m
2HS+2TS+ES, Cable Length: 3.2 m, Color: Red
Voir la page produit pour la disponibilité